Sunday, August 3, 2014

Phase 2 Day 3


Unknown said...

ha ha.... goofball :-)

Erin S. said...

Congratulations on your success so far! I've been following your weight loss journey for a while now and you actually were one of the people who have inspired me to get healthy. I love how "real" you are. Now, I have a question. In NO way am I trying to be snarky, but is there a maintenance plan for this eating plan that you're doing? I know people who have taken HCG and, once they stopped, they gained all of the weight back. I haven't researched Omnitrition, but what happens when you stop taking it? Or will you take it forever? I hope I haven't offended you...these are honest questions. I am currently exercising and counting calories and seeing some results, but its coming off so slowly!