Sunday, December 19, 2010

Body shots!!

Last night I spent the evening with my very favorite ex-sister-in-law/best friend, Carrie...her husband (who is my long lost brother) and their son (who is basically my nephew.) Isnt she the sweetest little Carrie you have ever seen? I love her!

I also thought I would document how I look right now. Please excuse my awkward poses. I look so weird. LOL I also wish someone would tell me how to dress because clearly, I am clueless. However; I am now in a size twenty jeans and I'm down to about a size 1-2x shirt. This is a far cry from where I started.

I'm digging the layered look. It allows me to wear shorter shirts yet still cover my big as a house butt.

All in all, my pictures still disappoint me but they are a good reminder of how far I have come...and how far I have to go.

Merry Christmas everyone!! I will be staying away from the goodies, and it will be so worth it in the end!!


Anonymous said...

you and carrie look fantastic!!!!


Ashley said...

You look wonderful Rebekah! Merry Christmas!

Rebekah said...

Rebekah, you look FANTASTIC! What a difference since the last time I saw you. AMAZING!!! And I bet you're not giving your butt enough credit.... :)

Unknown said...

You look fantastic. Keep going!

Anonymous said...

You look super!