Wednesday, November 24, 2010

240's Oh How I Love Thee!

Its been a long time since I have seen this number. Its barley in the forties but Ill take it (wink).
I have officially lost 69.2 pounds. That's half of one of my big kids, and more then my (almost) five year old son. Sometimes my almost five year old falls asleep downstairs and I have to carry him up the stairs. It almost to much for me to bare because he is so heavy. I imagine that all that weight and more was on my body and it is crazy to think about carrying myself up the stairs much less my son. I am making progress. It feels good. I'm hoping the rest of my life can go so smoothly.
Happy Thanksgiving!!


Annjeri said...

Your doing great sis. Love ya!

Ak said...

Awesome job! It always amazes me, too, when I have to lift something that weighs as much as I've lost!

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! And a freakin rockstar. Im so proud of you!!!!!


Jennifer said...


Melrose said...

I wanted to share with you, my mom recently decided she needed to lose about 30 lbs and found something at her grocery store called "Designer Whey" It's a shake I guess. She said you drink it before every meal and in 2 weeks it changes the way you eat. She said she has to mentally REMIND herself to eat enough because the shake is just perfect. Anyways, she said for the first two weeks not much happened but then suddenly the weight began falling off like crazy. She lost 20 lbs very quickly after those first two weeks and has another 10 to lose. She said once you're done losing you wean off of it and then have one every so often for maintenance. Anyhow, don't know much about it but I thought I would share! Oh, and she said mix it with skim milk and it tastes decent :)

Melrose said...

oh, and you look fantastic :D

Anonymous said...

I cant comment on your other blog as there is no anon. My heart breaks for you with the situation with your daughter. I can only pray that God will lead her safely home into her Mama'a arms. Do not wait. Contact the police and ask for help. She needs you. She just doesnt know it yet. Get some family counseling to help mend some broken hearts. I am sure Ty
being given up for adoption had to have some bearing on this situation. Help her work through it. She needs you more than anyone and at anytime in her life. She is lost and needs you to take the upper hand and guide her safely home. YOU CAN DO IT! YOU ARE A STRONG MOMA!