Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I was looking back at my blog and realized that it has been a long time since I posted my measurements.....almost a year in fact. I measured myself this morning and decided to compare it to the numbers from when I originally started this journey in 2010. Its pretty incredible to think that I was THAT HUGE!! Look at the difference in the numbers. The last time I measured myself was in May of last year. You can see those numbers here. I'm not seeing the pounds go down very fast (about 45 per year) so to see the inches fall off is very encouraging. 

Buttock: 60.5 inches (NOW 47.5)
Waist: 49.5 inches (NOW 38.5)
Upper arm: 17 inches (NOW 13.5)
Calf: 22 inches (NOW 17.5)
Bust: 50.5 inches (NOW 40.5)

What a lot of work it took to get to where I am.....and I'm not done yet. My favorite saying lately "To get results, you have to put in the work." Nothing is free or easy except Salvation...everything else takes endurance and sweat...and tears....but then you get the reward. I'm just taking deep breaths over here.